Choosing the Right Salesforce Approach for Your Business

April 28, 2024

Written by Bradley

Embarking on a Salesforce implementation journey is a pivotal moment for any organisation, shaping the future of customer relationship management and operational efficiency. One of the critical decisions in this journey is selecting the appropriate implementation strategy. In this guide, we explore the dilemma between self-managed and managed approaches, shedding light on the pros and cons of each model to help you make an informed decision.

Before diving into the intricacies of self-managed and managed implementation models, it’s essential to understand the spectrum of options offered by Salesforce. From fully managed solutions executed by consulting partners to self-managed approaches primarily handled by internal teams, each model presents unique advantages and challenges. Early consultation with Salesforce professionals is paramount to craft a tailored implementation strategy aligned with your business objectives and risk tolerance.

Managed Model

The managed implementation model delegates the majority of the project responsibilities to consulting partners.


  • Expertise and Experience: Consulting partners bring specialised knowledge and extensive experience, ensuring best practices and efficient problem-solving.
  • Reduced Burden on Internal Teams: Outsourcing the majority of responsibilities frees up internal resources, allowing the organization to focus on core business activities.
  • Scalability: Consulting partners can easily scale resources up or down based on project needs, offering flexibility.
  • Accelerated Implementation: Leveraging the expertise of professionals can lead to faster deployment, reducing time-to-market.


  • Cost: Managed services can be expensive, especially for small to mid-sized businesses with limited budgets.
  • Dependency: Relying heavily on external partners can lead to a lack of internal expertise and dependency on the vendor.
  • Less Control: Organisations may have less direct control over the project, which can lead to misalignment with specific business needs or objectives.
  • Communication Challenges: Coordinating with external partners can sometimes result in communication gaps or delays.

Hybrid Model

The hybrid approach strikes a balance between self-management and consulting partner involvement, offering a blend of advantages and potential challenges tailored to meet specific organisational needs.


  • Balanced Expertise: Combines the external expertise of consulting partners with the internal knowledge of the organisation, leading to a well-rounded approach.
  • Cost Efficiency: Potentially lower costs compared to fully managed services as internal teams handle some responsibilities.
  • Enhanced Control: Organisations retain more control over the project while still benefiting from external expertise.
  • Flexibility: The hybrid model offers flexibility to adjust the level of external involvement based on project phases and needs.


  • Complex Coordination: Managing both internal and external teams can be complex and may require robust project management practices.
  • Resource Allocation: Internal teams still need to allocate time and resources to the project, which can impact other business operations.
  • Risk of Conflicts: Differences in working styles and priorities between internal and external teams can lead to conflicts and delays.
  • Variable Quality: The quality of the implementation can vary based on the effectiveness of collaboration between internal and external teams.

Self-Managed Model

In the self-managed implementation model, organisations take the reins of CRM software deployment under the advisory guidance of consulting partners. This approach empowers internal teams while presenting distinct advantages and considerations.


  • Cost Savings: Eliminates the need for consulting fees, making it a more cost-effective option for budget-conscious organisations.
  • Full Control: Organisations have complete control over the project, ensuring alignment with specific business goals and requirements.
  • Skill Development: Internal teams gain valuable skills and expertise, enhancing their capabilities for future projects and ongoing maintenance.
  • Customization: Greater flexibility to customize the solution to meet unique business needs without external constraints.


  • Resource Intensive: Requires significant time, effort, and resources from internal teams, potentially diverting focus from other critical activities.
  • Knowledge Gaps: Internal teams may lack the specialised knowledge and experience of consulting partners, leading to potential mistakes or inefficiencies.
  • Longer Implementation Time: Without external expertise, the implementation process may take longer, delaying the benefits of the new system and costing more in the long run.
  • Higher Risk: Increased risk of project failure or suboptimal outcomes due to limited experience and expertise.

Regardless of the chosen implementation model, the composition of the Salesforce implementation team is pivotal to success. From executive sponsors and project owners to Salesforce administrators and end-users, each role plays a crucial part in navigating the implementation journey.

Responsibilities of a Salesforce Implementation Team

Designating individuals for key roles within the Salesforce implementation team is essential for streamlined project execution. Whether it’s overseeing strategic vision or providing hands-on technical support, each member contributes to the project’s success.

In the dynamic landscape of Salesforce implementation, the choice between self-managed and managed approaches isn’t merely a matter of preference—it’s a strategic decision with profound implications for organisational success. By weighing the pros and cons of each model and aligning them with your business objectives, you can chart a course towards a seamless CRM roll-out that drives innovation, efficiency, and sustainable growth.

No matter which implementation strategy you choose, Apex Infinity is here to support your needs. As a unique consulting partner, we tailor our approach to each organisation, ensuring your distinctive requirements are prioritised throughout the Salesforce implementation. Whether you need a fully managed service or consulting support, we offer customized packages to suit your specific needs.


We work closely with you to get a true understanding of the vision you have for operational effeciency, as well as the challenges, goals and opportunities of your project.

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